Sunday, April 5, 2020

Devotional Meditation for Good Friday

Jesus Dies on the Cross by Michel Quoist

A few hours more,
A few moments more,
A few instants more,
For thirty-three years it has been going on,
For thirty-three years you have lived fully minute after minute.
You can no longer escape, now; you are there, at the end of
        your life, at the end of your road.
You are at the last extremity, at the edge of a precipice.
You must take the last step,
The last step of love,
That last step of life that ends in death.

You hesitate.
Three hours are long, three hours of agony.
Longer than three years of life.
Longer than thirty years of life.

You must decide, Lord, all is ready around you.
You are there, motionless, on your Cross.
You have renounced all activity other than embracing these
        crossed planks for which you were made.
And yet, there is still life in your nailed body.
Let mortal flesh die, and make ways for Eternity.

Now, life slips from each limb, one by one, finding refuge in his
        still beating heart,
Immeasurable heart,
Overflowing heart,
Heart heavy as the world, the world of sins and miseries that it

Lord, one more effort.
[Hu]Mankind is there, waiting unknowingly for the cry of its Saviour.
Your brothers [and sisters] are there: they need you.
Your Father bends over you, already holding out his arms.
Lord, save us,
Save us.

He has taken his heavy heart,
Alone between heaven and earth,

In the awesome night,
With passionate love,
He has gathered his life,
He has gathered the sin of the world,
And in a cry,
He has given ALL.
Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.”

Christ has died for us.

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