Monday, November 2, 2015

Time for a New Creed

I am weary of saying our creeds that are stuck in a 3 story universe and the philosophical moorings of the 4th Century.  Indeed, we are to honor those faithful forebearers who gave witness in their context, time and place.  Now it is our turn to bear witness to the living God with additional creedal statements. I have written this one for a conversation with those interested in a statement that no longer assumes a three-story universe and is more interested in doing the faith than giving assent to propositions about the faith.  Your feedback is most welcome.

A Creed for the 21st Century

We trust in a God-Creator
in whom we live and move
and have our being. 
We are born in the image of the Divine
and called as partners
and caretakers of the whole creation.

We trust in God’s compassion,
God’s self-disclosure in Jesus,
the Christ, who taught us to love our enemies,
do good to those that hate us,
and forgive as we have been forgiven.
We will follow the cruciform way of Jesus
as a sign of that deep trust. 
We are ready to lose our lives
in order to find true life;
ready to - like a seed –
fall into the earth
and die in order to bear much fruit.

We trust in the Spirit of God
that blows where it wills
and sustains the faith
of those who trust
in God’s ultimate will
that all will be made new. 
We are gathered by God’s Spirit
into a community of faith
in order to be a living witness
to the God of compassion.

Pr. Kenn Storck / Originally written in 2012 (Revised in 2015)


  1. I like this a lot, Kenn. There is one somewhat clunky sentence, though: "We are born in the image of the Divine and called us as partners and caretakers of the whole creation." Maybe the "us" is not needed? Blessings, Doug Liston

  2. Thanks, Doug, the us is not needed...Kenn
