Please note - A Poem a Sunday follows.
Saint Mark 10:17-31
Pentecost 20 B - October
11 – 2015
Dialog Sermon - "That
Is Impossible"
You’ve got to be kidding, Jesus can’t mean it!
Yes, he does mean it!
“Sell all that I have and give it to the poor?”
Yes. Through the ages preachers have
tried to find ways to soften the blow here.
The Church through the ages has tried to dull Jesus’ sharp warning about
wealth and riches.
I’ve been good – I have pretty much obeyed the commandments – never murdered
anyone, or intentionally stolen anything.
I give my Tithe to the Church…I kinda feel for this this man who
asks: “What must I do to inherit eternal
He answers well – obey the Torah – live in a compassionate relationship with
God and neighbor. But that kind of
goodness, as good as it is – does not yield an eternal inheritance. You see, God is only good.
So what makes God only truly good?
God’s grace to the poor and marginalized – God’s lavish largess that requires
nothing from those to whom it is given.
You mean – unconditional grace?
Yes, unconditional grace. ‘Give to the
poor and least of these unconditionally just as God does!’
What that is impossible!
You bet it is.
So now what? How do we inherit eternal
life – by trying to be as good as God?
By giving all away? Who can do
None of us! And just maybe that is the
point here. Jesus uses this idea of inheritance
as a gift. In the narrative just before
this he calls his followers to receive the Kingdom in complete dependence as a little
child. But this man asks – “What must I
do?” Inheritance is a gift – not
something earned by doing certain things.
In other words if you are going to be ‘good like God’ – ‘give like God’?
That is one way of putting it: ‘Give
like God!’ And of course, we cannot
‘give like God.’ In fact it is as absurd
as trying to put a camel through the eye of a needle. Let us not diminish that metaphor or dull
these sharp contrasts that Jesus is making.
So what is impossible for us….
Is possible for God! In the economy of
the Kingdom – God gives grace unconditionally.
As Mark continues his story we see the destitute widow who only has a
mite – the least valuable of coins – give it all at the Temple. This is an interesting contrast to the story
of this rich man – but it tells us just how the first will be last and the last
first. The Kingdom of God is unfolding
in Jesus and its in-breaking is turning the world upside down.
Is Jesus saying that wealth is an obstacle to following him in the way of the
Yes, but Jesus looks with compassion upon the man who questions him. Jesus sees how he is captive to wealth. He is not free. So, Christ reaches out with both judgment and
grace. A life captive to wealth is a
life of bondage. A life centered on
Divine grace is a life that is set free.
Maybe an example will help. Do you have
Spiritual teacher and Jesuit Priest, Anthony deMello, writes:
You never possess
things. You merely hold them for a
while. If you are unable to give them
away, you are held by them. Whatever you
treasure must be held in the hollow of your hand as water is held. Clutch it and it is gone. Appropriate it to yourself and you soil it. Set it free and it is forever yours. [Source:
The Enlightened Heart, pages 24-25]
Yet the story of this man shows judgment on the wealthy.
B. Yes, and we should not diminish or water down
this challenge of Jesus but see it as a call to a reorient our lives – to take
the warning that we can be possessed by possessions and to have our hearts
moved toward the poor.
A. But there is grace here, too!
B. Oh, yes – God’s grace is unconditional and
there for the wealthy man, but all too often wealth and independence can blind
one from the need for God’s unconditional love.
A. There is a real tension in this Gospel for
B. A tension that we need to leave
unresolved. Our life as followers of
Christ is a process – a journey and as we follow Christ we live in this tension
between Law and Gospel – Challenge and Grace.
A. “Sell all that you have and give it to the
“With God all things are possible.”
& B. Amen.
Written by Rev. Kenneth R. Storck for Open Table Ministry 10/11/2015
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